Still trying to figure out this life stuff

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

get out my pen and pad....

I'm taking note of all the different syling options, rollersets, caruso's, bantu's, Brunsli's hair ties, etc., My next venture are the caruso's. Last night i tried a simple rollerset with the soft sponges, think i'll also try Golden_08 perm rod look. So many options, this is what i love about SL's. I have to admit though, I love this lenght, it's so easy to manage. When I first started my SL's I freestyled all the time, now i'm becoming addicted to styling.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

I agree with you there are so many options to choose from.Which is a good thing! Its hard to choose just one. If I would stop being lazy and start styling my hair. I would be alright but there is nothing wrong with freestyling!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

I agree with you there are so many options to choose from and its hard to choose just one. If only I could stop being lazy and start styling my hair I'd be alright, but there is nothing wrong with free-styling! Lol

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Goodnapps said...

Cute pic Veta! You are absolutely right, there are so many styling options and then some. And more length = more options. I love it.

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That length does looks very cute on you.


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Ms Stella said...

Your locks look nice and healthy. I just love how natural you look. Your style looks touchable and carefree!

Aren't we locked sisters blessed?

At 8:10 PM, Blogger ayankha said...

i loved that stage and it only gets better! plus your hair color gives it flair. go head!

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Ree-C said...

Looking Good. That is the joy of sisterlocks. You can rock freestyle or however and still look beautiful in the process.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Girl!

I was at Iva's yesterday and she showed me pics of your locking session :) You're doing great!!!

Now if she could only find her USB cable so she can take my pictures off her camera and email them to me!!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Maryee said...

Pretty! I love your hair color!!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Maryee said...

your hair color is so pretty!!!!!!!!


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